Monday, January 12, 2015

The Supernova's Sims

ALFA from Supernova 5: Gelombang (2014)

ZARAH from Supernova 4: Partikel (2012)

ELEKTRA from Supernova 3: Petir (2004)

BODHI from Supernova 2: Akar (2002)
Clothing type (left-right): everyday, formal, sleepwear, athletic, swimwear, outdoor

Footnote: As a big fan of Supernova Series by Dee, I'm not creative enough to make any awesome fan art like hers, therefore I made this one. Anyway, sorry for skipping Diva (Bintang Jatuh) from Supernova 1 because there's a movie director who already visualized her figure--which a little ruins my imagination hihihi. And surely, this post is sponsored by The Sims 3.


  1. mbaa punya novelnya yg mana aja? aku pengen minjem dari yg kedua hihi

  2. Aku punya seri Akar sama Petir, Mei. Sisanya minjem. Tapi dua-duanya masih dipinjem temenku, belum dibalikin. Nanti kalau udah dibalikin aku kabarin yaa :D
